E - diesel


E-Diesel (HVO – Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil), is a fossil-free, paraffinic fuel made from 100% renewable raw materials. A more sustainable, high quality of diesel fuel, that is suitable for all diesel-powered vehicles and industrial powered generators.

E-Diesel fuel is significantly better for the environment compared to mineral diesel and is therefore key in helping the countries achieve its net-zero carbon target. E-Diesel fuel is significantly better for the environment compared to mineral diesel.

Studies are currently being conducted to assess the success of E-Diesel  being used in kerosene powered boilers. At the moment they are looking successful and the idea of E-Diesel  being used in oil tanks is promising. More information will be released once studies have concluded. The similarities between diesel and HVO mean that it can be used as a drop-in alternative in most cases. But we always advise to check with your engine manufacturer first.

We are currently manufacturing E-Diesel in the places like DUBAI and KUWAIT .

Benefits of E -Deizel

E-diesel is compatible with existing diesel engines, requiring no modifications, making it a practical option for the transportation sector.Its production relies on renewable energy, making it a sustainable fuel choice.E-diesel burns cleaner than conventional diesel, producing significantly lower levels of harmful pollutants like particulate matter and nitrogen oxides.